Friday, April 11, 2014

Ready to go home..

I know that I am not supposed to be sad while I am out here, but I just found out that I am going to have to put my cat that I have had since I was 7 to sleep when I get home. I am almost 21 and I don't remember what life is like without him. It may be silly to some, but he is very much a part of my family.
I absolutely love that I am here and that I have experienced so much. I went to Cinque Terre today and had a blast swimming in the ocean for hours. But my day was turned around when I found out he has cancer in his mouth. My last post was about how I never wanted to leave and how I am not ready, but now knowing this I am so ready to jump on a plane to be with him. Silly, I know, but I told people  before this trip that the only things that would make me go home would be if one of my family members was hurt or if this cat died.

It is hard to be away from home when something this important is happening. I am trying to just stay positive and be thankful that I will still be able to say my goodbyes. I want to enjoy the rest of my stay here and make the best of it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Coming close to an end

This trip has gone by so fast. I still remember all of the feelings that I had 10 weeks ago. I remember getting off the bus from the airport with my huge suitcase and being appalled that the Italians wouldn't courteously step out of the way in my attempt to not be hit by a bus. I also remember being scared to death taking the taxi the next day to my apartment because they drive like a third world country here. Now it doesn't bother me when they don't move and I just step in front of speeding cars when I know that I won't get hit. It feels like so long ago that I was overwhelmed with taking all of that new information in.

I feel like I can say that I now understand the word "assimilation," because I have been the foreigner adjusting to them. I have lost some of my naive sense of closed mindedness and accepted these people as my neighbors. This country has changed me. We joke that we have to walk down the street with a tough face so that we don't stick out, because the Florentines just walk around like they own the place. It is so easy to point out Americans because they are so courteous and get out of the way on the sidewalk and are the ones almost willing to step in front of a bus to get out of the way. I don't do that anymore. I might when I get home but for now I walk around and they think that I am one of them. I have adjusted.

I have found myself getting kind of sad lately thinking that there are only 2 weeks left. This place is going to be my home away from home forever. I hugged the lecturer yesterday after our last Italian culture class and teared up a little. She told me that I could always come back and that Florence never changes. That made me feel better because I know that I will dream about this place even when I am in my 60s.

I have traveled so much since I have been here. I have seen most regions of Italy, Ireland, Scotland, London, Spain, and soon Paris. I feel like a semi-world traveler now. I absolutely believe that I am going to do this again one day. I have got a taste of travel and now it feels like it will be an addiction.

I have met so many kind people on this adventure. My roommate and I have gotten so close and can laugh at and with each other and have silly pillow talk and gossip and just be girls. I love! Our other friends I know will be people that I won't ever forget and I will probably still hang out with when I get back to California.

I guess the reason that I am writing this is because I am not ready to leave. I am going to make the best of the rest of the time that I have here. I couldn't be more blessed to have had this opportunity, and I know it's not over yet so I am going to live it up.

I remember reading someone's blog before I came here about this girl that came to Florence in the fall and she talked about how she moved here and was timid and confused in the beginning and by the time it was close to departing she was able to go to her corner cafe and casually order an expresso. She was so proud that she had become so accustomed to the life and was able to give tourist directions around town. That idea was kind of surreal but exciting to think that could be me. Now it is! I have done those things, and I can boldly talk to Italians even though I speak a combination of English, Italian and Spanish to them, I just wing it with a straight face and get answers and not a questioning look. I am so proud of my time here.

This city has given me so much confidence, knowledge, challenges, and moments of awe that I never want to leave.

This is my city. I am leaving a piece of my heart here so I always have an excuse to come back here. That little piece of me will be who I am coming back to visit in the future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Need help funding

Hello guys,

I am down to my last $300 here in Florence and I have gotten down to my rice and eggs diet so I can save my money. If you or anyone you know could spare a few dollars I would absolutely love it! Even $5 will go toward helping me fund my eating. Thanks for thinking of me and helping me out :)

I created an account on this website that people can donate to. It is safe and just takes a few clicks of a button. All you do is click the "Donate" button and then add the amount you'd like to donate and your card info (I NEVER see your card info), and then WALA you are done (make sure you submit it though).

Thanks again :) the link is below. \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/